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A simple static webring generator. No JavaScript, only HTML and CSS (and, well, Rust to generate the webring itself, but once it's uploaded it's only HTML and CSS).


Create a new webring.

fering new_webring $webring_name


fering new_webring "My new webring"

This will generate some basic project files and directories.

  • projectname.txt => contains project name.
  • static/base.html => base HTML file that will be used as a template to generate all pages. It contains placeholders which the generator function will replace accordingly.
  • static/about.html => The $CONTENT of the homepage. This also contains the placeholder $NAVCLOUD, which the generator function will replace with links to each tag index page (each tag index page contains links to all users for that tag).
  • static/style.css => a rather empty CSS file.
  • users/ => contains users.
  • images/ => contains images.

Add new user.

fering add_user $username $URL


fering add_user Xiokka https://xiokka.neocities.org/

You must use the full URL. If the $username parameter has whitespaces it must be surrounded by quotation marks

fering add_user "A really long username" https://xiokka.neocities.org/

Once a new user is added, the corresponding subdirectory is created inside the users directory. Inside the new directory, you will find three files: tags.txt, description.html and url.txt.

  • tags.txt contains the tags for that user, where each tag is separated by a whitespace. For example:
linux programming command_line

assigns tags "linux", "programming" and "command_line" to that user.

  • description.html contains HTML which will be inserted into the profile of that user in the webring hub. It can be used as a simple user introduction/profile inside the webring hub.
  • url.txt contains the URL for the website of that user.

Generate site

fering generate

This will create the public/ directory, where the webring site has been generated.

  • public/users/index.html contains all users in the webring.
  • public/$TAG/index.html contains all users tagged with $TAG in their tags.txt file.

Each user has a next.html and previous.html file, which redirect to the next and previous users.

To be redirected to the user next to $USERNAME:


To be redirected to the user previous to $USERNAME:


where $USERNAME is a specific member of the webring.

For example, if your webring is hosted at https://xiokka.neocities.org/webring/, you would be redirected to the user next to Xiokka by visiting:
