My Projects Corner!


rssscribe - Generate custom RSS Feeds from YouTube and many other sites with yt-dlp.

webweaver - Generate a web directory from an XML file.

picweaver - static gallery generator written in Rust.

rsssynth - Generate a static page from a list of RSS feeds.

fering - static webring generator written in Rust.

ironite - static site generator written in Rust.


bmpuzzle - Embed files within the padding of bitmap images.


newsread - RSS reader written in Rust using rust-webui.

rustic_bitmap - bitmap library, written in Rust.

termhex - terminal hex reader written in Rust.

termiv - Rust-based text-mode terminal image viewer (actually it only displays bitmaps and converts any other format).

Famiclone Controller Converter - Use your old Famiclone controller as a USB gamepad.